Sustainable Chair Design for Decorex Restaurant Area


We are excited to challenge you to create a signature chair that incorporates the 5 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, and refuse) in your design process. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your commitment to promoting sustainable design while creating beautiful and economically viable solutions.

We will then showcase these chairs at a restaurant seating area at Decorex in (CPT 22 - 25 June), and (JHB 3 - 6 August.)

This is a unique opportunity to showcase your design skills, promote your commitment to sustainability, and gain exposure through media coverage and promotion on the Decorex platforms. We look forward to receiving your submissions and selecting the winning chair design for this exciting project.

The costs of design and manufacturing will be covered by the designers, and Decorex will arrange courier services to and from the exhibition. The chairs will remain the property of the designers, and Decorex will have the rights to use them at both the CPT and JHB shows. The exhibition will receive significant media coverage, and the collaborating designers will be featured on the Decorex website and social media. A prize will be awarded to the chair chosen by the judges as the winner.



The chair must be made primarily from waste materials, such as recycled plastics, reclaimed wood, upcycled textiles, or other repurposed waste materials. The use of eco-friendly production techniques and processes is encouraged.


The chair must be fully functional and suitable for use as seating in a restaurant area. It should provide comfort, stability, and durability, and be able to withstand regular use by restaurant patrons.


The designer’s information will be featured on the Decorex website and social media, and the chair may be used in promotional materials related to the exhibition.


The chair must be made primarily from waste materials, such as recycled plastics, reclaimed wood, upcycled textiles, or other repurposed waste materials. The use of eco-friendly production techniques and processes is encouraged.


The chair should demonstrate a commitment to sustainable design principles, such as reducing waste, promoting recycling, and minimizing the environmental impact of production processes. The use of non-toxic materials and finishes is encouraged.


The chair should be easy to transport and set up at the exhibition venues in CPT and JHB. It should be able to withstand transportation and be suitable for display in an indoor exhibition space.


Designers interested in collaborating with Decorex on this Sustainable Chair Design project should submit the following:

  • A brief description of the proposed chair design, including materials used, production techniques, and environmental impact.
  • Sketches, drawings, or visual representations of the chair design.
  • Estimated costs of design and manufacturing, including any proposed sponsorship or funding arrangements.
  • Designer’s background and experience, highlighting relevant design projects and sustainability initiatives.
  • Proposed branding elements, such as a logo or tagline, and a write up about the chair.
  • Confirmation of willingness to cover the costs of design and manufacturing, and agreement to the exhibition logistics and rights arrangements as outlined in the design brief.


Confirmation of inclusion Deadline: 21 April

Selection of Winner: 22 June 2023


Cape Town: 22 - 25 June 2023          Joburg: 3 - 6 August 2023

Pick up date CPT: 19 June                 Pick up date JHB: 31 July

Decorex looks forward to collaborating with innovative designers who are committed to sustainable design principles and creating functional and visually appealing chairs using waste materials.

To get you started, here are a few ideas to consider:


Use fewer materials in your chair design. Consider using lightweight materials, such as bamboo or recycled plastic, to reduce the environmental impact of transportation.


Incorporate salvaged materials into your design. Look for discarded or repurposed materials that can be used in your chairs, such as reclaimed wood or recycled metal.


Create chairs that can serve multiple functions. Consider designing chairs that can be used indoors and outdoors, or that can be easily transformed into a stool or table.


Use recyclable materials in your design. Choose materials that can be easily recycled at the end of their useful life, such as aluminum, glass, or certain types of plastic. 


Avoid materials that are harmful to the environment. Refuse to use materials that contribute to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, or other negative environmental impacts.

We encourage you to think creatively and boldly in your designs, while keeping sustainability at the forefront of your mind. 

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!